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Luca Bacilieri is an architect from Switzerland.
Luca Bacilieri’s architecture style is parametricism.


Luca Bacilieri, Thesis Wavefront

DIgital art

Project Information:
A series of digital art paintings. Exploring the ideas of geometry, shape, proportion, color and composition in the digital world.


Geometry collection #1
Series of images that show the beauty of geometry and proportion. Series #1: white spline on cyan and black background.


Geometry Collection #2
Series of Images that show the beauty of geometry and proportion. Series #2: white oblique lines on magenta and black background.


Geometry Collection #3
Series of Images that show the beauty of geometry and proportion. Series #3: white circles on green and black background.


Geometry Collection #4
Series of Images that show the beauty of geometry and proportion. Series #4: white lines and circles on red and black background.


Geometry Collection #5
Series of Images that show the beauty of geometry and proportion. Series #4: white rectangels and rounded corners on blue and black background.